Tuesday, 1 November 2011


2003, 103 minutes, South Africa/Canada

When a film covers an important but often neglected part of history, you really want to like the film just because you feel the issue needs to be respected and recognised. Before I sat down and watched Proteus I was thinking that I really want to like it because it told the real story of a sodomy trial in a hard labour camp in South Africa in the 18th Century. With the topic of apartheid dominating South African history, this subject has often been neglected.

However, Proteus fell on its arse. The main problem was the horrific direction of Canadian John Greyson. The only previous thing I have seen him direct is an episode of Queer as Folk US in series 2, which was actually one of the best episodes of the series, so I had raised expectations of this film. He really ruined this film. He was blatantly ripping off Derek Jarman with the inclusion of items and scenery from centuries after the time it is based. The actual recording of the film felt like a university film project. I was surprised he has made a number of films as this just came across as a first time film maker with its amateur shooting and non stop cliches.

In addition to this, the acting was poor. There was no chemistry between the two lovers or with any other characters. None of the scenes were at all believable and  is an embarrassment for all those involved. What made it worse was the constant change between English, Dutch and Afrikaans. There was no consistency and it made no sense why mid conversation characters were changing their language.

I have tried to see the positives in this film but I am sorry, there was nothing. Considering the story it is based on, this is definitely a wasted opportunity.

0.5/5 - Just do not watch it!

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